Salary-related issues
Salary-related issues (banding, classification, salary classes, equal pay etc.)
Salary-related issues arise for employee and employers alike. Which principles have to be taken into account and how must the principle of equal treatment be implemented specifically in practice? To what extent is the Gender Equality Act relevant and which issues have to be considered when choosing the legal remedy? We will be happy to clarify these issues together with you.
How may I help you?
Dr. iur. Harry Nötzli is a licensed Attorney-at-Law and a Certified Specialist SBA Employment Law and has broad and long-standing experience in the area of employment law and public sector labour law. He advises and represents private individuals, enterprises, public sector workers and municipalities. He is able to guarantee competent and pragmatic support to his clients and, as a partner in the law firm, has an excellent network of connections.
Dr. iur. Harry Nötzli | Limmatquai 52 | 8001 Zurich | Phone +41 44 521 22 66 E‑Mail