Public sec­tor labour law

Dr. Harry Nötzli offers com­pre­hen­sive legal advice in rela­tion to public sec­tor labour law (law on civil ser­vants / public ser­vice law). He advi­ses public sec­tor labour and public law insti­tu­ti­ons (Fede­ra­tion, can­tons, cities and muni­ci­pa­li­ties) in rela­tion to all issues con­cer­ning public sec­tor labour law (fede­ral per­son­nel law, can­to­nal per­son­nel law, muni­ci­pal per­son­nel law).

Dr. Harry Nötzli, att­or­ney-at-law, wrote his dis­ser­ta­tion in the area of public sec­tor labour law and works for his cli­ents in the fol­lo­wing areas:

Dr. iur. Harry Nötzli    |    Lim­mat­quai 52    |    8001 Zurich    |    Phone +41 44 521 22 66      E‑Mail