Employee offen­ces

Legal advice in rela­tion to employee offences

A large num­ber of enter­pri­ses suf­fer cri­mi­nal damage from their employees (theft, mis­ma­nage­ment, fraud, money laun­de­ring, for­gery etc.). The legal ques­ti­ons that arise are com­plex; they relate e.g. to finan­cial los­ses, repu­ta­tio­nal damage, com­mu­ni­ca­tion and what action to take against offen­ding staff. What may and should an enter­prise do in such a situa­tion? Should a cri­mi­nal com­plaint be filed? What action should be taken if e.g. there is only a sus­pi­cion against an employee? Can he/she be moni­to­red, or can he/she be dis­missed wit­hout notice? Con­ver­sely, what should an employee do in such a situa­tion? What can he/she do for exam­ple in order to avoid a cri­mi­nal com­plaint? We will be happy to advise and sup­port you in ans­we­ring this and other questions.

How may I help you?

Dr. iur. Harry Nötzli is a licen­sed Att­or­ney-at-Law and a Cer­ti­fied Spe­cia­list SBA Employ­ment Law and has broad and long-stan­ding expe­ri­ence in the area of employ­ment law and public sec­tor labour law. He advi­ses and repres­ents pri­vate indi­vi­du­als, enter­pri­ses, public sec­tor workers and muni­ci­pa­li­ties. He is able to gua­ran­tee com­pe­tent and prag­ma­tic sup­port to his cli­ents and, as a part­ner in the law firm, has an excel­lent net­work of connections.

Dr. iur. Harry Nötzli    |    Lim­mat­quai 52    |    8001 Zurich    |    Phone +41 44 521 22 66      E‑Mail