Compensation models for middle management
Compensation models for senior staff and middle management
Compensation models for middle management should on the one hand acknowledge the services rendered in the past and on the other hand offer them an incentive to remain in the business. We shall be happy to advise you concerning the various incentive systems, to inform you of the advantages and drawbacks of particular rules and to support you during concrete implementation within the business.

How may I help you?
Dr. iur. Harry Nötzli is a licensed Attorney-at-Law and a Certified Specialist SBA Employment Law and has broad and long-standing experience in the area of employment law and public sector labour law. He advises and represents private individuals, enterprises, public sector workers and municipalities. He is able to guarantee competent and pragmatic support to his clients and, as a partner in the law firm, has an excellent network of connections.
Dr. iur. Harry Nötzli | Limmatquai 52 | 8001 Zurich | Phone +41 44 521 22 66 E‑Mail