Dr. iur. Harry Nötzli

Inde­pen­dent and com­pre­hen­sive employ­ment law advice

Dr. Harry Nötzli is inde­pen­dent and, as a part­ner in an inter­na­tio­nal law firm, very well con­nec­ted. His spe­cia­li­sa­tion along with his long-stan­ding and broad expe­ri­ence in employ­ment law and public sec­tor labour law mean that he is able to pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive legal advice (e.g. in rela­tion to salary and bonus issues, ter­mi­na­tion wit­hout notice, pro­tec­tion against dis­mis­sal, war­nings, bul­ly­ing, non-com­pete clau­ses, relo­ca­tion, admi­nis­tra­tive inves­ti­ga­ti­ons, pri­va­tis­a­tion etc.) and gua­ran­tee com­pe­tent and prag­ma­tic sup­port to his clients.

Harry Nötzli CV

Admit­ted to the bar 1995
Cer­ti­fied Spe­cia­list SBA Employ­ment Law 2007
Degree Dr. iur., Uni­ver­sity of Zurich (magna cum laude) 2005
Post­gra­duate Diploma Finance & Accoun­ting, Lucerne University 2005
-at-law and part­ner in the law firm Zue­rich Law seit 2017
Att­or­ney-at-law and part­ner in the law firm WWNW 2005–2016
Att­or­ney-at-law in an inter­na­tio­nal com­mer­cial practice 2002–2005
Legal con­sul­tant / mem­ber of the manage­ment board of a con­sul­ting company 1999–2001
Att­or­ney-at-law in an inter­na­tio­nal com­mer­cial practice 1995–1998

Fur­ther appoint­ments & memberships

  • Con­sul­tant to the Cer­ti­fied Spe­cia­list SBA Employ­ment Law trai­ning course
  • Con­sul­tant to the Asso­cia­tion of Public Ser­vants and Admi­nis­tra­tors of the Can­ton of Zurich
  • Mem­ber of the Zurich Bar Asso­cia­tion and the Swiss Bar Association
  • Mem­ber of the Employ­ment Law spe­cia­list group of the Zurich Bar Association
  • Various publi­ca­ti­ons in the area of employ­ment law and public sec­tor labour law

Dr. iur. Harry Nötzli    |    Lim­mat­quai 52    |    8001 Zurich    |    Phone +41 44 521 22 66      E‑Mail