

Spee­ches, infor­ma­tion and news about labour law

Catch-All Solu­tion: Ter­mi­na­tion Agreement

Tues­day, 10. Janu­ary 2023|

Article published in ZHAW Impact (Decem­ber 2022) Nowa­days, many employ­ment rela­ti­onships are no lon­ger ter­mi­na­ted by notice but by ter­mi­na­tion agree­ments, which brings many advan­ta­ges. But beware of pit­falls! Motives […]

The key issues con­cer­ning overtime

Wed­nes­day, 16. Novem­ber 2022|

Article ZHAW Alumni Time and again, after their  employ­ment rela­ti­onship has ended, employees demand com­pen­sa­tion for over­time worked. There are some hurd­les to over­come here. Over­time is the posi­tive dif­fe­rence in […]

Inte­res­t­ing facts about the non-com­­pe­­ti­­tion clause

Tues­day, 13. Sep­tem­ber 2022|

Employees fre­quently move to com­pe­ting com­pa­nies for a variety of reasons. In this con­text, it is often said that non-com­pe­ti­tion clau­ses are inad­mis­si­ble or “not enforceable any­way”. Howe­ver, this asser­tion does […]

Covid and Labour Law

Wed­nes­day, 18. August 2021|

Article ZHAW Alumni The coro­na­vi­rus and its effects on employ­ment law raise num­e­rous ques­ti­ons, some of which have not been jud­ged by the courts. In the first part of the new […]

Short-time work for the whole com­pany only — or for the indi­vi­dual employee too?

Satur­day, 28. March 2020|

In the past few days I have been asked seve­ral times whe­ther short-time work has to be intro­du­ced for the whole com­pany or whe­ther it can be limi­ted to indi­vi­dual employees. […]

The core issues asso­cia­ted with part-time work

Fri­day, 14. Febru­ary 2020|

In prac­tice, more and more working time models are being intro­du­ced that are no lon­ger based on fixed and regu­lar working hours, but allow for fle­xi­ble dis­tri­bu­tion of working time. Despite the […]

The pit­falls of the medi­cal certificate

Mon­day, 22. April 2019|

An employee’s inca­pa­city for work and, accor­din­gly, a medi­cal cer­ti­fi­cate play an important role in employ­ment law. It is the employee’s respon­si­bi­lity to pro­vide proof of inca­pa­city, and he usually sub­mits a […]

Pri­vate employ­ment law: The employer’s reference

Mon­day, 2. Octo­ber 2017|

The employer’s refe­rence always gives rise to debate. This is under­stan­da­ble, as refe­ren­ces are important for the employee’s future career advance­ment. The fol­lo­wing, the­r­e­fore, is a sum­mary of the most important […]

Over­time and extra work hours

Mon­day, 13. March 2017|

Over­time and extra work hours are not the same thing and must be strictly distin­gu­is­hed. Issues sur­roun­ding over­time and extra work hours are a con­stant source of con­cern for the courts. […]

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